The Fashion Capitals of the World

The modern industry, based around firms or Fashion houses run by individuals designers, started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth who was the First Designer to have his label sewn into the garments that he created. He was the official designer for the Queen Elizebeth of Austria. Rose Berlin was the dress maker to Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. She was sometimes called sareastically the minister of Fashion. She opened a shop in Paris and had a considable influence on Parisian style, until this was drastically changed by the French Revolution from which she flied into exile in London for some years.
So France was the first and still one of the major Fashion Capitals of the World. The period between the two world wars, often considered to be the Golden Age of French Fashion, was one of the great change and reformation. Two other prominant French Designers of the 1920's were Heabbe Lanvin and Jean Paton.
So France was the first and still one of the major Fashion Capitals of the World. The period between the two world wars, often considered to be the Golden Age of French Fashion, was one of the great change and reformation. Two other prominant French Designers of the 1920's were Heabbe Lanvin and Jean Paton.
Few Interesting Facts

- Jeanne Lanvin started making outfits for young daughter.
- Name in fashion year book 1901 onwards.
- Reached the peak of popularity in 1920.
- Jean Patai won fame particularly in the Americian markets.
- His garments were mostly filled with their clean lines, geometric and cubist motifs, were designed to satisfy the new vogue for the outdoor life.
What is a Fashion Capital?
A Fashion Capital is a city which has a major influence on International Fashion trends and is a key centre for the Fashion Industry, in which activities including the design, production and retailing of Fashion products, Fashion events and Fashion related trade fairs generate significant economic output. Fashion capitals usually have a broad mix of business, financial, entertainment, cultural and leisure activities and are internationally recognised for having a unique and strong identity.Place where Fashion Originated
The place known as the origin of Fashion is Paris, France. But I believe many Fashion came from different countries and people who imigrated to France on anywhere else in the world brought their fashion with them. Acutally there can't be a right answer to this question as the first written records indicate that fashion in the form of Jewellery, Fabric elabrote hairstyle, body painting etc were widespread in human societies from the ancient time onwards. For example:- Cavemen were covered with tattoos to indicate which tribe.
- Different jewels were used to indicate their possision in the tribe.

Design from The House of Worth

Designed by the Father of Haute Couture

"The Metropolitan Museum of Art"
Fashion Capitals of the World - (Presently)
Nowadays the four cities considered to be "Fashion Capitals" are London, Milan, Paris and Newyork city. These cities not only have a strong fashion industry and are home to many Fashion professionals, they also have unique street fashion. Each of these cities host fashion events and are responsible for many of the trends you see in Fashion today. Now we have a survey of the "Global Language Monitors" to list which is the major Fashion capital of the world from the last 10 years. And this year New York took the Top Global Fashion Capital title from London edging past Paris. London held the title for 2011 and 2012. Paris which also won the title of the Top Global Fashion Capital Haute Coature, finished in the No.2 spot overall. NewYork and Paris were seperated by 0.05%, the closest in the 10 year history of Global Language Monitor's Survey.Newyork city is the leading number one fashion city in the world because it is in the centre of the world and has a short distance to Europe as well as the west coast of the United States. Italy has a strong influence on fashion and two major cities that are some of the most powerful fashion influence around the world. Not only do tourists visit Rome but it is also visited by Fashionists everywhere. Milan is not only next to Rome but is also surrounded by many different cultures and countries in Europe because of its location and fashion atmosphere, Milan is one of the leading fashion cities in the world. London has always been one of the top Fashion cities in the world. London has fashion outlets everywhere and has some of the most talented designers in the world. Because it lies in Europe, it has great access to many other European Fashion cities.Paris

In the rankings New York was listed as the Top Fashion Capital of the World, but many of the fashionist designers and people believe that the title capital of fashion world is owned by Paris not only because of its historical importance in the fashion world but also its influence in fashion world. Paris still holds a strong influence in world of fashion by donating innovative ideas to the fashion industry. Paris has been ruling the high seas of fashion far more than three centuries. The Paris fashion week is the finale of the big four fashion weeks the other being Milan, London and Newyork fashion weeks. Paris fashion week dictate what the world will be wearing for next season. The worlds best designers have always operated from Paris. It is currently home to the HQ of Rocha's, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Chloe etc. The concept of Haute Couture (High Fashion) was invented in Paris. Though it originally refered to Englishmen-in-Paris Charles Fedrick Worth's work, the term has become a protected name in France, meaning that it can only be used by companies that meet certain well-regulated standards.

Some of the most stylish people were born in the planet were born in Paris like Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Julliete Binoche and Jeame Morean. Paris provides the ultimate dose in high end fashion. Many of the garment styles were invented in Paris and the most important one is the Bikini. It was invented in Paris by French automobile engineer Louis Reard and Fashion Designer Jacques Hein in 1946. The item embodies French style in its timeless simplicity. Parisians have the most experience of high fashion couturiea houses were first established in the city in 1958. With all the above data's, I strongly believe that Paris is the major city which have its strong influence on the fashion world.
Indian Fashion

India is a country with an ancient clothing design tradition, yet an emerging fashion industry. Through a handful of designers existed prior to the 1980's, the late 80's and the 1990's saw a sort of growth. This was the result of increasing exposure to global fashion and the economic boom after the economic liberalization of the Indian economy in 1990. The following decades firmly established fashion as an industry, across India. Delhi and Mumbai are important centers of fashion designing and manufacture in India followed by Kolkota, Bangalore and other large cities. There are 3 major fashion weeks in India namely Delhi, Lakme Fashion Week, Mumbai and Bangalore Fashion Week. India did not play a major role in world fashion. But Indias traditional wears are worlds one of the most demanded garments.
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